Naah, this is the country where a large portion of the population believes Canada to be a US State...
Don´t tell him to run, tell him to get the garden hose, and that if it´s in the back yard, to get the circular saw and cut the pool open. 
It sounds like you had an interesting vacation. At least it´s done and now you can move on.
Ah, the dogs. My poor cat is probably stressed out at the fact that he´s outnumbered. If the other two cats were capable, maybe he´d have a better chance.
Transfers are next week. Elder Saldaña and I aren´t sure what´s going to happen. I might be going, I might not, so we´ll just have to wait and see.
Week was interesting. Tuesday we had zone conference, which was good. And thankfully I was able to talk to the office and they agreed to reimburse these fines we´ve got to pay, since it was just someone looking to write a ticket.
Wednesday, my companion was supposed to be leaving to go up to Bilbao, but then the office decided they were just going to send us both along. So I got a surprise vacation of sorts. Six and a half hour putt putt train ride later, I was up in the north of Spain.
Thursday, came back down, finally got home around 11 at night.
The rest of the week was pretty normal. We traveled a lot, and still had church in the member´s apartment, as the offices in Madrid are dragging their feet on approvals for us to get in there.
The realtor never bothered to call us(customer service..spain....hehehehe
), so tomorrow we´ll be going to a different one. This one seems to have places where we want, now it´ll just be a matter of price. Maybe we´ll at least be in the process of signing for one this week.
There probably won´t be any baptisms for a while at the moment. The one person we have who was close is having problems at the moment. He´s had a lot of problems in the past, so we´ll need to work with him a little more and get him more prepared rather than pushing too hard.
Tuesday when we got home they´d delivered the envelope...still dated April explanation. But are you sure the conference edition was inside? Because if it was, they´d taken it out. But it didn´t look like it´d been opened.
This week will be more ¨Spain is lazy¨ holidays, from Thursday through Monday, if tradition holds. It´s officially ¨San Juan¨, but really ¨Everyone out to the beach!´ week.
I think that´s about it. We´re going into Barcelona today to look around and run by the office, since we need a few things. Then it´s back to the grind for the last week.
Hope you all have a good week.
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