Probably a 36 on the bottoms. With the Christmas stuff we´ll probably just wait, because I´m not sure I´d have room to transport the gifts with all their packaging etc during a transfer. I´ll get it without a problem if it goes into the office, so that´ll work out.
You´ll have to add a few packs of Big Red gum so a member here will stop pestering me. Please........
New socks would probably be a good idea. While the current ones aren´t bad, I´ve noticed that small holes are starting to appear at the seam where they sew the gold part to the sock on a few of them.
The picture is of the district from last transfer. They changed things around and pulled out one of the sister companionships, and Hna. Boone has a new companion, but other than that it´s pretty much the same this transfer. 3742 was of a lunch I made (I had extra gravy left over from the potatoes.)
So we didn´t have the baptism. That was a bad situation in the end. We´re still trying to find him, but he´s not answering his phone at the moment.
The week wasn´t bad, though. It´s been cold and rainy since Thursday, but other than that, okay. Being cold and rainy makes it possible to wear our suit jackets, which they made us start wearing.
Oh, ward council...I hate going. Most of the time we´re there as just a side show. If we´re lucky we get a few moments to speak. There´s usually a lot of talking, then little to no action, and we talk about the same things the next week. But we´ll be trying to get that fixed. One of the benefits of having a Spanish companion is that he can beat down on the Spaniards and they won´t have too much of a problem with it.
We found a new person who will hopefully get baptised in a few weeks. He´s only 19, but he seems like a good kid, and we´ll be seeing him again tonight.
We finally had to test out the heating in the piso, and it seems to be working okay. Not very efficient, but it works well enough.
Today we´ve got to buy a lot of light bulbs. Always a pain. The real lightbulbs are extremely expensive here, just like real Duracell batteries are, because of their ridiculous taxes. Imagine if the average sales tax on products was 18 percent...a four pack of AA´s is about 7.50. Since we need real things, we´ll be going out to the Carrefour again, so maybe I´ll get some Pepperidge Farm cookies or something.
Yes, I did get the package. Thank you for the nice candy and things.
Well, I know the letter´s short, but the week was short too. I hope you all have a nice week.
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