Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ugg, I hate ward council. Mainly because the leadership just disputes over immaterial items while the missionaries try not to fall asleep. This week we´re just going to leave a Progress Record with the ward mission leader (who we don´t even meet with) and leave.

Transfers are next week, but President sent out the information early to let everyone know, and I´m staying here. He said he wanted to make as few changes as possible this close to the end of the year. 

Don´t worry, I´ll get the packages. They´ll get to me on the 21st, so I won´t be tempted to open them. Or maybe I will. I broke and open my birthday packages on Monday...naah, I´ll wait. :)

Now the members are starting to ask if I´ll ever be leaving Gandia. I´ll be here for a total of nine months, which is more than a third of the mission. But it´s okay, I have a nice apartment and food.

¨Old trusty¨ probably should have been retired in 2009, but we´ll see. By the time I get home it´ll be seven years old, which is definately time to replace it. I don´t think that hard drive will last much longer.

Thanks for the shoes. I looked closer at them and basically, the sole is a high-density foam coated in rubber. What´s happened is that in several places (like where the pad of the foot is) the rubber has completely worn off, so now it´s just the foam chipping off. That´s why the heel split as well. The rain hasn´t been helping matters either, I don´t think.

I really haven´t had too many sleepless nights, but I´m usually too tired to not sleep. At this point, I don´t function too well without eight hours. I don´t expect to sleep for a long time when I get home, but I will enjoy a nice rest. And driving...ooh, we were riding with a member this week and he started going a little fast...then I had to snap out of it. Hehe, I´ll survive.

I knew him a little bit, but I don´t think we ever had any classes together. Sometimes those things happen. I´m sure he´s fine now, probably busy preaching again.

This week should be busy. We´ll be preparing our new investigator for her baptism on the 17th. On Thursday we´ll be going to Valencia, since Elder Gerald Caussé of the Seventy is doing a mission tour.

They keep this district down here in Gandia full of Arizonans. They´re pulling out Elder Martherus, from Gilbert, and putting in Elder Rassmussen, from...Gilbert. Woohoo. I started my own little organization, the ¨Elders from Arizona¨, but no one´s paid their membership dues yet. Well, that´s how life goes sometimes.

Thursday we went to Burger King. I had some kind of disturbing box full of random food. Afterwards I felt sick from the grease, I think. I´m sure that won´t stop me in the future.

Well, I hope you all have a good week.


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