It could happen. One of the members here was just talking about the newest stake president in his home country. He´d been bishop of a ward for two weeks when they called him to be the new stake president.
I´ll be travelling up to Barcelona this afternoon for a conference. I won´t be back here in Gandia until Wednesday night, fairly late. One of those things.
The week was pretty calm. I had planned to to exchanges with the Alcoy elders, but the Elder responsible left his suitcase in their apartment. So I was here in Gandia all week. Right now things are all kind of exploding around my ears, but it´s okay. Nothing new, and nothing I can´t handle. I´ll be using the full war chest, though. We had an easy transfer in the last one, so it´s semi-natural that this one would be difficult.
Thankfully, the Lord´s taken a big weight off my back. My companion´s been dead for the past couple of weeks. Not doing much, getting up around 10AM instead of 7:30, and just generally not helping matters. I´ve finally involved the leadership, and they´ve all been praying, not to mention I´ve been working with him pretty hard. He seems to have had some kind of 2012 reset, since for the last two days he´s been getting up on time, doing everything he should, helping with small things (the dishes, cleaning), etc. So now I´ll be able to focus less on him and more on my own area and the district. I´m here in the last three weeks of my time here. I´ll be leaving January 24th unless there´s a really unexpected change, so I´ve got to leave everything in good shape.
Oh, the joys of having ISP problems. It´s obviously Obama´s fault. There is no other explanation. I know a few of the members were asking if we hear anything about the news back home. When I said that Obama was probably going to be replaced by Ron Paul the poor guy nearly had a stroke. Ron Paul: Good for America, bad for everybody else. Bye bye Monopoly Money! (the Euro)
We´re teaching a great guy named Jesus right now. He threw out his cigarettes right as we taught him the Word of Wisdom, and he´s getting ready to be baptised the 21st of January. It´s just a pity that we don´t have someone named John to baptise him. Then it´d be perfect.
New Years eve, we ate with some members. Since we had to be home early, and the food was late, we ended up scarfing down a quick plate before everyone else ate. It was pretty sad. Then we were in bed by 11:30. I plan to have a much better time this coming New Years Eve. I also set the goal to be in Times Square one of these days when it happens.
Well, the holiday laziness still hasn´t ended here in Spain. We´ll have round three this weekend with WiseMenDay. Some how, here in Spain, their Bible translation became corrupted or something, because they´re not just wise men, they´ve been converted into Mage Kings with magic powers who bring toys and joy for all. I think I prefer the fat boy.
So, happy new year. I hope you all have a good week, and that things move smoothly.
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