So the week was busy as always. Spent most of the week preparing Georgiana to get baptised. I´d send photos, but this computer doesn´t have a card slot. Better keyboard, but no card slot. It´s always something.
In theory they´ll be bringing down our packages on Wednesday. I know at least one of the boxes made it, but I haven´t confirmed to see if the other one did. No, Christmas day I´ll be in Gandia working as normal. We don´t get holidays, just days when we can relax a bit.
Wednesday we had district meeting here. That went okay, though I had to plan it on really short notice since I only found out Tuesday at about 5PM. On Friday we had the Ward Christmas party. The zone leaders came down to do the baptismal interview, then they left. The wind that day was really bad. Nearly knocked me over a few times, and it was breaking ceramic roofing tiles off (though that may be due to bad construction more than anything).
Saturday we had the baptism, which went well. She was ready, and now she´s happier, though her family´s proven to be a big stumbling block, repeatedly. That should all be fixed. Catholic tradition keep the people bound strongly, just like Satan wants. Thankfully, she´s got good support from the members.
The scripture talks about how when John the Baptist came, he wasn´t a common person who ate and drank with people, so the Pharisees said that he was possessed with a devil. Then when Jesus came and was a common people who met with everyone, they said that he was a sinner. He´s calling them hypocrits, like little children who cry when people don´t play by their rules. I was applying it in a manner of ¨some people will never be happy¨.
It might be easier in general to make the call on Saturday, just to simplify things. If I called at 10AM on Saturday would that be too early or difficult? I´ll check back around 10AM your time today, so there won´t be much time for you all to organize and decide. If it won´t work, then we´ll figure something else out.
Today we´ll be busy cutting hair, buying propane (pain in the butt), and doing all the last minute things before Christmas.
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