Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well, I think Spain has pilfered the envelope as well. I still haven´t gotten it, so I´m assuming it´s lost. The illegalities continue, but that´s how it works. So I don´t know if the box will even make it again...
No, Lorca´s part of the Malaga Mission now. There´s missionaries there, but I doubt they were hurt. It wasn´t that big.
I don´t think I´ll let Brandon drive if I´m in the car. I already don´t like to be driven...
We´re probably going to be five or six months in getting a location that´ll work for the church. And that´s assuming we´ll be able to open it. The stake center in Barcelona sat for over a year waiting for the permits to open it, just because the government sat around and made up excuses.
Well, it was an interesting week. The beginning was fairly calm. Elder Plaskett and I went into Barcelona to meet up with the other two. We went to a fairly lame park and left after a few hours. Tuesday we had a training meeting (spend too much time in meetings, I sometimes feel like). Wednesday we travelled out to Olot ($10.90 on the bus...ouch!) and worked around there, but it´s a pretty iffy city. We´ll see how much we travel out there.
Thursday, we went to eat with the second counselor in Campdevánol, up above Vic. Then he drove us through the mountains up to Puígcerda, a city right next to France. We taught a lesson there, and we were driving around with him as he was trying to find a place that he needed to go. Then, as we´re driving, he says ´Hey, crossing this bridge we´re in France! Isn´t that great!?¨. Well, not really, since it´s a big no-no to leave mission boundaries. Like ¨Pack your bags¨ no-no. But, we got him to turn around, and after a call to President, it was all smoothed over. Only there about a minute, but I guess I can say I was in France during my mission, eh?
Friday was pretty calm. Saturday we went out to a tiny town called Sant Feliu de Pallarolls, where they were having an activity for the youth in the branch. There´s a bunch of dead volcanoes up in that area, so we got a tour of the town, then climbed up one of the volcanoes and had a nice talk with the mayor. I´ve got some pretty crazy pictures, but, alas, this computer´s card slots are broken. Surprise!
Saturday, worked out in Vic, then President called with transfer information. Elder Keller got sent out to the islands (Palma de Mallorca), and I´m still here in Granollers. With a native (kinda.). He´s Elder Saldaña, from Bolivia, but he lives here in Spain. He just got off of the other island, Meñorca. So we´re happily chugging along, I guess.
Had a quiet Sunday and yesterday, since he spent most of the day packing. Out to the islands it´s one bag only, so you have to pack nice and selectively. I never want to go...

Well, that´s all for the week. I´m sure things will be interesting this week too.

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