So, yesterday I took Elder Gross into Valencia and put him on his train along with half the zone, (this was at 10AM) and then the other half had to wait until 5:30PM for the new ones to arrive. So we decided to get some things done, then that led to basketball and Ultimate Frisbee. I was one of the ones who came out mostly unscathed. Elder Keeler tried to break his coccyx, poor kid. He was limping the whole day after that.
So on Sunday, we kept waiting for calls (they should have come Saturday, but there was a delay), so I finally called Elder Allphin and got the info. They told me I was getting Elder Knudson, which was insane, since he had also served here in Gandia before, and he´s a pretty old missionary.
It was a good thing E. Knudson didn´t want me to tell anyone, because Monday night E. Allphin called me again and said ¨There´s been a problem, your transfer assignment´s been changed, and you´re getting a different companion. So E. Knudson went to the Barcelona third ward, and I´m now here with Elder Batanero, who´s from the south of Spain.
They moved the zone around and pulled the Valencia sisters out of my district, so now it´s just us, the Alcoy Elders, and the Benidorm sisters, and we´re meeting here in Gandia instead of in Valencia. That´ll save me a bit of cash each week.
SO if all goes well, we´ll be having a baptism this Saturday. Things are picking up lately, and this guy´s been prepared just for this time. We´ve seen him make a 180 degree change in his life. Right now, the path looks clear for Saturday, so we´ll have to find some more people to baptise after him.
It rained Thursday, Friday, and Saturday here in Gandia. A lot. And the weather in general is a mess. It was hot yesterday, but colder today. We´ve given up trying to guess what´s going to happen.
Oh, for the birthday...there´s really not much that I need. I suppose there is a little music. Since we´re nearer to Christmas(started singing hymns and listening to music last week), I could use two CD´s: ¨Sing, Choirs of Angels¨ by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Christmas CD by Andrea Bocelli (that´s a guy). Then maybe some more photos from home, and Nephi, of course. I´m missing my cat.
We´ll be going to buy food after this, since the fridge is empty. Empty. There´s butter and condensed milk, and El Pato. Don´t worry, we´re not starving.
It sounds like things are going okay back at home. We´re moving into the final quarter of the game now, then things are over. Now we just have to hang on until the end.
I´m most certaintly not sure how things will go from here. Christmas could be a problem, because the transfer ends the 13th of December, and there´s no telling if I´ll stay or leave. I may just have you send all christmas packages to the office, since we´ll have the Christmas conferences right before, and I´ll get it that way no matter where I am. There´s time to decide that, but not a lot, it´ll be here pretty rapidly, I suspect.
I hope you all have a good week. Sorry I didn´t write until today, but the schedule wasn´t working out, since we didn´t get into Gandia until about 8PM and my companion was exhausted last night, then we had District Meeting this morning (in our piso, since the Hermanas are in Barcelona and I didn´t want to walk to the church).
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