No sicknesses? Hooboy, I had some kind of intestinal bug from Saturday afternoon through Sunday. Man, that was a rough time. I was in and out of the bathroom all day. But I´m doing better now.
Yes, we had the baptism. It went well. Interesting, but well. She´d asked me to baptise her, so we got in the font, and right before we walked down the stairs I said ¨Okay, when I go to put you under just bend your knees a bit¨. Well, she was nervous, so she got in and knelt. Oops. So I got her standing again, then I positioned her, and she just started to dunk herself. I was like ¨Woah, not good!¨ Pulled her back up (this isn´t a very small lady either) and she´s just like ¨Sorry, I´m just so nervous!¨. So I got her reset, said the prayer, and dunked her, but her dress popped up and the bishop said we needed to redo it. It went fine the second time, though.
1301 is us with Antonia. It´s not a very good picture, but the other has my eyes closed, so...
So, it was an interesting week. Tuesday we had interviews, and then President came in on the last 35 minutes of my meeting. The zone leaders attended as well. Then, as the meeting finished, I pulled out the game we were going to play, but President was like ¨Well, let´s bring everyone together instead.¨. Luckily he just wanted to pull everyone together, he wasn´t against the game. Then he talked to everyone for a bit, and we finished. So, it wasn´t a bad meeting. Having President taking notes on his iPad in the back could be considered mildly stressful.
Wednesday, we switched with the zone leaders so one of them could do the interview, so I was with Elder Jimenez in Gandia. Wooh...that was a day. We ate with an old lady a few weeks ago, and she started telling these crazy stories about chicken head soup and other foods that woudn´t pass FDA inspections. So Elder Gross set up a day to come the next week and learn how to make said food.
It just so happened that he managed to ESCAPE that day. I had planned on leaving, but it didn´t work out that way. Elder Jimenez didn´t believe me when I told him, but then we walk in and she´s got chicken heads on the counter top...ooh, nasty. She´s ripping the flesh off, you can see the eyeballs, then she just crushes their little beaks, all the while making small talk. At the same time I´ve got Elder Jimenez leaning on my shoulder wincing and trying to make me laugh. Then he made the wrong comment and she had a chew out session with him for fifteen minutes. When ever she turned, he´d be behind laughing or making faces, so I´m having to keep a straight face.
There was other ´food´ as well. She boiled fish skeletons and heads in water, then pulled them out, put them in a little bowl and had me crush them up like some kind of sick pharmacist. It just makes this sick gray paste, which she then strained and put the juice back with the water she´d boiled them in, talking about how some RS president had taught these recipes thirty years ago. She mixes it in with some type of pasta, tomatoes, garlic, and onions, and then has us eat it. I thought Elder Jimenez was going to die. There was other food, the sole purpose of which is to clog you up so you don´t feel hungry...except we had another eating visit in just a few hours time.
Yeah, I probably won´t forget the chicken heads. We survived the rest of the day, though.
Saturday we had the baptism. It was a good experience. Then the confirmation was smooth on Sunday.
Today, we went out to the big store on the outskirts of town. They had an imported food section...ooh...Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke, Pepperidge Farm cookies, Ocean Spray juices, REFRIED BEANS (over
three dollars a can, however

), etc. We had to control ourselves. But some of it definitely went home with us. We´ll go back next week, maybe.
So transfers are next week. My companion will probably be leaving, and I don´t know how the switch will turn out. So I should write on Tuesday, but no promises. It might be Wednesday.
Yeah, the weather reports were wrong. It was in the 70´s and didn´t rain except for a bit Sunday morning. They really can´t predict the weather here in the Med anymore.
I don´t have it yet. It´ll probably be coming in this week, though.
Well, that´s what I have. I hope you have a good week.