So that´s Kate. Baptism went through without a hitch this time. Water was even warm. Some of the attendees grumbled about the fact that most of the program was in English, but they´ll get over it.
The two little girls, Sofia and Osas, are 7 and 5 years old, and Kate´s pregnant right now, so they´ll be a good family to have in the ward.
I got the card, yes.
I know I can always deal with it. I´ll probably need three or four decades of counseling after my mission, but I guess that´s not too bad. If you just admit that since you haven´t lived in Utah you´ve obviously gone to church in a barn, don´t know anything about the gospel, and have no idea how ´real life´ is(I´ve had one dope ask if Arizona even had a joke), you usually don´t have too many problems.
Sounds like it´s a little cold there. We´re still with nice spring weather here-short sleeves and slacks. This area´s got a reputation for nice weather.
Well, we were planning on having interviews with President this week...except now the office is basically telling us that we´re ´just not fitting in with President´s schedule´, and it doesn´t look like we´re even going to get an interview until the next time May. There´s been a little grumbling about that around here for the past week. We needed to get into the office to pick up supplies, and now we´ll end up waiting until transfers.
So, like I was telling dad, I´m probably up for a transfer. Three transfers is when you start getting ready, and since I´ve been two with my current companion, that really means it´s time to go.
I´m hoping to head up north. Not because of the cold, but...well, I´m just ready to get out of Tarragona. I originally was hoping to stay for four, but now I´m ready to get out and move on. I´ll even be happy to go back to being junior companion again.
And I really don´t want to head back down south, since I´ll probably end up in this new area for at least part of the summer. I´d like Pamplona, but it´s not a probable spot. Where ever I go, I just hope it´s in a nice area(not dozens of factories spewing toxic smoke just outside town
With the package, Elder Hansen said his parents had some issues. According to what USPS is saying, all kinds of packages are getting stopped in Spain. They said that as they slip deeper and deeper into debt, they´re trying to suck every last dime they can get, from anyone they can try to scam. A lot of big companies have stopped shipping purchases here just for that reason.
I probably just would have been kicked out of the game. Sounds like it was quite the little disaster.
P-day clothes here are just normal shirt and tie, just like any other day. No rest for the weary...especially today, since my companion doesn´t seem to understand that he shouldn´t set appointments on p-day...we´ve got one at four and one at six, and both require travelling, so most of the day is shot, and we had one this morning, so that´s why I´m a little late writing this letter.
Not much planned for today. I´ll be dragging around my camera for a few days this week just to start taking pictures before I leave.
Agg, this letter´s too short, I know. But now I´m running out of time to write.
I don´t need any money on the card. I don´t do any personal shopping anyway. Not really anything to buy and it´s no where near souvenir time yet. Maybe in a year and a half or so I´ll start thinking about it. :)
Have a good week.
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