I´m not sure how much they´ll be able to sell the house for now, seeing as it´s had that much water in it.
Free healthcare in Spain = wannabee crazy nuts claiming to be doctors using LittleTykes surgical equipment and calling it ´good´. If you pay extra they´ll change gloves and put on a smile.
Next time you´re in San Carlos you can show them a picture of George...tell them I´ve got their chieftan hostage and I won´t give him back.
As for the library, just keep a can of Lysol ready always. Spray all the children down, spray their books down as they hand them over to you, and wear a respirator to keep from coming down with Toxic Lysol Overdose Syndrome. That´s something I wish they had discovered here...Lysol. Or Febreeze. Or maybe just deodorant...
Yeah, I´m not entirely sure how legal it is what they´re doing, but since there´s very little real oversight here, I don´t think I´ll be able to do much about the mail.
That being said, transfers are coming up again. 22 of February. So around Monday or Tuesday of next week will be the cut off date for mail, especially since I´m probably out of here.
Thursday, all the little Spainards threw up a general strike again...and again, it didn´t seem to do anything. I didn´t even see anything closed this time. I think they actually put up more publicity the day after the strike was supposed to happen.
No one really new this week. It was a little slower.
We were supposed to have interviews tomorrow, but when I called to get some times the office said ¨Oh, that´s right, we couldn´t fit you all into the schedule, so you might be getting interviewed next week. Maybe.¨ We´re an hour from Barcelona, and somehow we got bumped to next week. Granted, the interviews are all of two minutes long
Last night, we had nothing to do at all, so we took a bus out to a pueblo in the middle of nowhere to pass by an address. At least the address was real, but no one was home. So it was two hours of waiting for the bus to circle back and pick us up...and there wasn´t anything in the down. St. David is probably bigger.
I see on the weekly newsletter that someone I was teaching in my last area has a baptismal date for this week...we´ll see. That´d be one more of that family baptised.
Today, I´ve got to take some slacks into the cleaners, then we´re planning on playing a little Battleship. Maybe some cards.
Sorry for the short letter, but that´s what I have.
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