I got the one box with the peanut brittle and stuff on Tuesday, and the other on Friday. The fudge...well, it kinda made it. It was mainly melted into one big blob in the Tupperware.
Baptism went fine. Pictures are attached. He...well, he´s not the best with pictures. But he´s a pretty good kid. Name is Mikel, and he´s from Spain.
We actually were one of the most successful companionships in the mission this week. Judging from the numbers we´ve been seeing in the weekly reports, the mission is getting hammered right now. There were some 22 people with dates for Saturday, and only five actually made it into getting baptised. So we´re sitting about 74 baptisms short for the year´s goal, with fifteen scheduled for this weekend, the last one in the year that counts. Well, there´s always next year.
The presents were fine. They all made it. Two of them had rips on the edges, but i´ve behaved. They´re all still wrapped. Last night, I finally made those mashed potatoes and gravy. Put down some toast on the bottom of the plate, then the taters, then the gravy. Nice little meal.
We´ve still got Edgar set for Christmas day. Pretty sure that´s going to go through. Hopefully we have the hot water heaters working this time-it was sort of frozen water last time.
Weather´s been pretty calm here. Being right on the sea helps. It´s definitely been jacket weather, but nothing too extreme.
I saw on LDS.org that Switzerland is trying to pass a law that would prevent missionaries in their country unless they came from one of the European Union countries...that´s not a good sign. Hopefully they get it stopped, and the rest of Europe doesn´t follow suit.
We had the ward christmas party on Friday. Bishop spent a fair amount of money to make sure it was a good one this year. Tons of food, and I think everyone had a good time.
I think all the clothes are holding up. Nothings in dire need of replacement yet. But yeah, the washers over here are all retarded. And we´ve got a Whirlpool...but it´s got to be European built, that´s certain. Explains why it only sort of works.
Christmas conference is on Wednesday. It should be good. We´ve still got to go out and buy the white elephant gifts-not sure if we´re supposed to wrap them or just bring them-but that should go fine.
Hehe...they don´t have biscuits here. Guess it´s gravy on toast.
So, I´ll try to be good and not open the presents too early. Might have to follow local tradition (well, South American tradition) and open them the 24th...or maybe just two a day until Christmas? ;)
All right, I´ll behave. Maybe.
Well, it´s kinda of a short letter. I´ll write down some themes for the call on Saturday.
PS: I sent out the Christmas letters, but they didn´t get put in the box until Tuesday, and probably didn´t get postmarked until Wednesday. Hopefully they´ll make it in time, but if not, there is stuff coming.
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