It´s fine. My guess is that it was one of those annoying popups that locks up the browser, then looks like a virus scanner/Windows Explorer window, then tells you you´ve got ten billion viruses. Don´t worry. I´m sure all the protections I built in will keep things fine. I´ve already got plans for Larry to pass by the house and do a tune up on all the equipment when he gets home in a few months. I´ve got too many little tweaks to let people touch it-they´d say I was crazy. (and they say well...)
No, the week didn´t go as planned. The AP´s got involved with a grand ´plan´,(I think the Communists had better ´plans´.) so I ended up in a trio for most of the week. We still went into Barcelona for the day, but I ended up having to leave my bag there and not get it until Tuesday afternoon. And I´d packed so well I didn´t have anything left in the house...hehe.
Yes, the branch is still on schedule. This Sunday we´ll be having church there. Though now we´re hearing it´ll be almost five months before we´ve got the actual chapel ready-the city is throwing up all kinds of problems. If it was a...well, house of ill repute, we´d probably have an easier time getting the permits.
Eh, one year is aways away. Things are moving along nice and fine.
I think a good car for Marae would be an ´88 Buick Skylark. Two tone.
Binner used to be really good at being the teachers favorite. What happened there?
Seriously, another puppy will distort the zen balance of the house and cause a chemical imbalance which will resort in the departure of at least one cat. Then again, Dad would probably say that´s a good thing.
Transfers are still a while away. And if we were to suddenly get shipped out to Vic it´d be okay-we´d still be in Granollers on a weekly basis minimum.
So, it was a different week. Monday we did go into Barcelona to see the giant monument to the Catholic Church...not much of a spirit in that place. Probably won´t survive the Second Coming. Then we came back, worked in the area on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday as a trio (me as tag along). We did have some nice doctrinal discussions, though. I do enjoy those. I just wish I could find someone who likes the Bible as much as I do...
Nothing was too crazy. Thursday afternoon Elder Keller came back, then we went out into the countryside with this guy who´d randomly contacted us in the street. He took us out to see...another old catholic church.
But at least the walk there was nice.
It is pretty easy to see why most Catholics aren´t very active. The churches are nice and dinky. Usually pretty poor lighting as well. Like being in a crypt.
Friday, we did a fair bit of traveling. Taught a super confused Evangelical guy...he´s so messed up he´s afraid to touch the pages of the Book of Mormon, and then said that the picture of Christ that was up in the house was against the commandment of ´no images´. Then he muttered some memorized prayer and did a little ritual. I remarked afterward how glad I am that the church isn´t strapped by inane traditions like that. He just looked so trapped, uncomfortable, and unhappy.
Saturday was just spent preparing for Sunday. Sunday was the last time we´d be meeting in the church here, so things were mostly spent with the members saying good bye.
Now comes the big week. We´ll be pushing the whole week to get as many people to come on Sunday as possible. The stake president will be there, so we need to at least make the branch look as promising as possible.
I did finally eat all the candy. I guess I didn´t wait. Sorry.
Hopefully things go nice and calm this week for you all. I´m sure they will here too.
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