No, no more puppies! They´re messy, expensive, they only demand attention, and my cat will probably go on strike and destroy something. 
They probably won´t send him to Mexico. Though I don´t know if they´re still having the colossal visa problems, but it´s probably not going to happen. I really doubt New Mexico, though. I´ll guess...Peru, or Argentina. There´s my two.
Sounds like the Binner had a rough race, but at least she´s all right.
China´s still just a rumor. It´s not like it´s a secret, but there´s not much weight behind it either. Mission rumors spread pretty easy.
If you send another card, make sure it´s not really big. I don´t think the camera will accept anything bigger than 2GB (especially without a firmware update). Dang thing´s still running 1.011-I don´t know why I didn´t think of updating it.
The branch is chugging along. It´s still not open yet, but we´ve finally got a firm date of the 24th from the stake.
I got a letter from Father Crofts today. Apparantly, his mother was reading my letters on the blog...I didn´t know they were being posted publically. Dearie me...I certaintly hope I haven´t offended anyone.
. Now I have to censor myself.
So, it´s been a hot week. Too hot. And it´s not even summer yet...I think it´s going to be a warm one this year. And I´ll probably not be getting out of Granollers until the end of July transfer...and since every new area just moves me up north, I´ll probably head up to the Bilbao long as it´s not St Sebastian...can´t take Benny Boy. *twitches*
So, today´s going to be a special day. We´re finally making the difficult journey on the infamous R2 Nord into Barcelona. The treacherous 35 minute trip on Renfe´s finest rat motels will hopefully get us in safely. Then we´ll be going to the giant ant hill, also known as the Sagrada Familia, as well as some other stuff. I´ll see if I can take some pictures.
This week is the grand and poweful ¨Leadership Training Seminar¨, which means my companion has to attend. Tonight we´ll be sleeping in Barcelona...with about four others, including the all-powerful Zone Leader, the Man from St. George. It´s been since I left for the field that we´ve seen eachother, so that should be good. Then I´ll be here in Granollers until Thursday afternoon with another missionary. Perhaps we´ll just stay in all day and play Bananagrams.
Elder Keller and I have been going through some McKinnon withdrawals. It´s been like a presence has been missing from the house all week. We´ve tried to console ourselves listening to his albums, but it hasn´t helped much. I think we´re recovering, though.
Getting close to filling volume two of the mission journals. I´ll have to order another one soon-there´s only 39 pages left to write in.
So I got a haircut last week. I felt a little gay, though. We were in a hurry, so we had to go to a slightly upscale shop. Then I let Plaskett go first, who opted for the shampoo treatment...then when I went up, they just assumed that I wanted a shampoo...ridiculous. 16 euros later...I don´t plan to go back. At least the haircut isn´t utterly horrible...
Nothing too crazy has been happening this week, though. It was pretty calm apart from the heat. We´re going to be looking for an apartment in Vic soon, so we´ll be looking for a palace with air conditioning..maybe even central air! (haha...right, that doesn´t exist here.) I remember how in the US we used to have to refrigerate things, too...milk...eggs...meat... nope, not here! With the magic Spain Milk, you can leave it open on the counter for a day or two and not see a difference. And if it expires on the shelf, they just have to run it back through the factory and it´s good for a few months more. It´s like magic! 
Okay, I´ll calm down on the sarcasm. But I have a fanbase on the internets now, so I have to perform, right?

Hopefully you all have a good week.
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