The Trump? We haven´t had a president with long hair since Reagan! That would cause a lot of problems with China, but it´s probably about time. They´ve been purposly damaging our economy long enough with their illegal currency weaking games. Good tickets to look for would be Trump/Gingrich or even better, Trunt/Huntsman, since Trump would be a little weak on the foreign policy end, and Huntsman is the former US Ambassador to China.
I´ll probably end up needing to register remotely or something. Too bad the darn mail is so slow. You may have to look at that next year to see how we´ll have to do it, or if I´ll be back before the deadline to register to vote in the General Election.
So, yes, yesterday was the first day in the new branch. We met in a members apartment. She´s essentially donated the second floor to the church, so it was about 40 of us crammed in the room, and the Stake and Branch presidencies on the balcony. We didn´t have time to print out hymns, so we passed by the chapel here in Granollers and swiped about ten hymnbooks from them. The branch president was like ¨Did you ask for these?¨ with a smile. The stake president just laughed and said basically ¨I didn´t see anything.¨
Thankfully, our prayers worked, and it didn´t rain during the services(clouds looked nasty up until about 20 minutes before). The Stake President said that they´re in negotiations for a nice building they´ve found, but that they´re going to take a while, and it´ll have to be approved by the Europe Area Presidency. About five to six months at the expected rate, so I probably won´t be here when that happens. Afterwards the stake president drove us home. He told us we should ask the Office for a car since we´ll be travelling a ridiculous amount(he was pretty serious too). We told him we´ll think about it. Since we´ll be in the office for interviews tomorrow, we´ll bring in some clippings for some nice used Mercedes...hehehe.
In all reality, though, we´re going to be hitting them up for unlimited travel tickets. Our current one is only good for 70 trips, which isn´t very much between the two of us. With as often as we have to buy a new one, the office would actually save by buying a month long unlimited pass. Plus, we´re always out of money while we wait to get reimbursed...

Silly binner, she´s got to at least drink through out the day. She´ll drop like a stone at that rate. Brandon just needs better coaching. Sounds like he´s got some real winners.
She probably needs like an 04 Chevy Aveo...something light that bounces if it runs into something. Like a rollerskate. Maybe a Geo Metro.
So, it was Spanish ¨Lets all be bums¨ week, aka ¨Semana Santa¨. The whole country has been on holiday since Wednesday. Nothing will be back to normal until tomorrow. Like most catholic holidays, they´re not celebrated because the people actually believe, rather, because it´s an excuse to not work. So there´s been no mail delivery, no garbage pickup, no street cleaning, most stores have been closed, the train company has run the usual bad schedule, and I´m surprised the whole country didn´t just fall apart. All the dumpsters are overflowing, people are probably needing to send mail, lots of fun stuff.
We didn´t do anything too crazy this week, though. Lots of work. We´re looking at some baptisms soon. I think we´re about to get a whole family in Vic(4)-we´re so close, but I think they´ll pull through. The members are pulling, we´re pulling, and with a little help, it´ll be for this Saturday. Otherwise, it´ll be in two weeks, because the next week is Stake Conference. They like the church, they love us, they just need to pray a little more to get that testimony and they´ll come.
Tomorrow we´ll be in Barcelona for interviews, afterwhich we´ll all go make the usual fast food run. That´s kind of tradition to go eat somewhere after interviews. Then I´ve got to pick up a third journal-there´s only about 20 pages left in the second one.
Then, this week, Elder Keller will be in Gerona for Tuesday-Thursday, and little brother, Crofts younger and lesser son, Elder Dalton, from Oro Valley, will be here with me. So I´m sure we´ll be busy.
Well, I guess it was a quiet week again. Hopefully more next week. Sometimes I worry that I´ll keep saying next week, then I´ll be seeing you all in person...
Oh, yes, I´ll be calling home on the 8th. When is your church, so I can finagle around so that you can at least attend sacrament meeting?