Elder Bradley Seth Mattice
C/Rambla Nova 125, 3, 3
43001 Tarragona, Spain.
Side note: The Rambla Nova is the equivalent of living on Fifth Avenue or Times Square in New York. Better be-the rent just went from 550 a month to 800.
The Joseph Smith Translation should be in the full Bible format, I would think. I didn´t think there were that many formats.
I got the cookies a while back when I was in the office. No, they weren´t rocks, thankfully. They were good. But I doubt I could find any of the ingredients here (Spain´s supermarkets are pretty substandard...more like a quick mart than a store.)
It was a crazy week. Spent most of p-day dealing with contracts and other junk. Tuesday spent the day getting contracts signed, then finally got the keys and spent the rest of the day moving over the majority of things. Wednesday was normal. Thursday we had Zone Conference with Elder Texiera (kinda funny to hear a guy from Portugal speak English with a New York accent, but...). Friday, the Belnaps (one of the senior couples) came down to help us clean the old apartment and finish moving. That took all day. Then Saturday and Sunday were spent scrambling to get lessons.
Pictures are of my ´study cubby´ (I fought hard for that room). others are of the bathroom I got in exchange for the study cubby (personally, I like it better. The other one has bright, 70´s style orange tile...). Reminds me of being in the camp trailer sometimes.
So, let me say thanks for being a family that actually fixes things ourselves and not one who calls the repair man. Saturday night I tossed a load of shirts into the new washer and turned it on, then went to bed. Sunday morning I get up and it´s saying the filter is clogged, which means it won´t drain water and is stopped mid cycle....it´s not even a week old. So I´m thinking...uh oh. Companion is mumbling how it´s broke because I did laundry on a day other than monday. (even though that´s not a rule, and it´d be impossible to do all the laundry on Monday only. Plus the fact that he does laundry during the week...). So I drained the machine, pulled off the filter cap, and find this plastic chunk in there. Pulled it out, put the filter back in, and restarted the machine. Fifteen minutes later, same light is back on. Then we had to go to church (not really, but for some reason my comp thinks we need to go to the Ward Welfare Committee meeting at 8:30 in the morning...). Came back after church, he´s saying how I broke it and we´ll have to call the repair man and pay a bunch of money. I drain the thing again, pull off the filter, and find that a chunk of cotton he´d dropped in the machine (in between the drum and the washer) had gotten wrapped around the impeller on the water pump. Spent twenty minutes pulling that out, then got it back together and it worked again. Then after the shirts were done, I threw in socks just to be a turd head (well, and I was out of socks.) Also, thanks that I don´t sound like a complete idiot when I´m trying tell someone what happened. It´s a ´float´ in the toilet, not a ´styrofoam ball thing´.
Tell Dad to tell them he wants a Lincoln Blackwood. Yeah, it´s only a half ton and it´s a bit old, but it´s got a power tonneau cover. Carpeted bed. He´d at least ride in a little style, right?
As for the Pharisee...I´m just trying to get through this transfer and hope for the best. This week should be better, since I´ll be on interchanges with Elder Monks, who´ll be here from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday evening. He´s in Elder Crofts group and is pretty loose. (and has a sense of humor). But don´t worry about me. You know I´m too much of a fart head to ever let anything really get to me. I find things too funny to ever really get depressed.
I can´t imagine I´d be transferred after only one transfer here, so I should be here through Christmas. Next transfers are on November 30th, but I shouldn´t go anywhere. President likes to do crazy things during transfers, but not that crazy.
We´re still teaching people. Should have a baptism this Saturday. Pretty set, so nothing should fall through. 20 year old Spainard, wants to go on a mission soon. Guess that makes two of them, right? :)
Saw most of the gang at Zone Conference on Wednesday, except for (unfortunately), the Mysterious Man from St. George. He´s up in Bilbao, and they had their zone conference up there.
Good to hear the election results. Now Obama is pretty well hamstrung for the next (and last) two years of his presidency. The Senate shouldn´t be an issue. They don´t have the 60 needed to stop a filibuster, and even if the Dems swing all the Independants over, not all of their own party will vote with them.
I saw some headlines that said Obama was pretty mad. Oh well, too bad. I thought he was all for ´change´.
Not too surprising that Brewer won, but I was kinda hoping McCain would get the boot. Giffords too.
So, did Nancy Pelosi not even get reelected, or did she just lose the Speaker of the House position?
That´s all I haz this week.
Until next week,
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