Hopefully my cat gets a better attitude. I´d imagine he´s gone a little far at times. You could get Hannah one of Sony´s old Aibo dogs...they should be a little cheaper than they were in the past. But she´d probably kill it.
Picture is me with Director Arjona, back in the Madrid MTC.Now you can´t say I never sent pictures. I´ll see about getting some pictures taken today so I have more to send for you.
The ward´s better here. Gotta love the bishop. We were in PEC meeting yesterday, and you could hear the choir practicing. (No one in Spain can sing. Very sad). He looks over at his counselor and says ¨That´s not human. That´s something dying.¨ It was pretty bad...makes Shawn Scott sound like Frank Sinatra.
They should be doing Doctrine and Covenants/Church History in Seminary this year, right? He went in a bad year. Better to either go in on a Book of Mormon year or an Old Testament year, IMO.
Busyish week this week. Have to go into Barcelona for interviews with President tomorrow (thankfully it´s only an hour train ride), so District Meeting will be pushed back to Wednesday, probably. Tomorrow marks five months, eh?
So, dad says you want a more comprehensive list for gifts.
Scriptures: Separate Bible and Triple, Don´t forget, there´s the new church Online Store, where you can order almost everything direct. (don´t know if it´s cheaper) Genuine leather is a little expensive, so probably just go with the bonded leather.(unless you know a member of the First Presidency and can get one of the Italian Leather sets they give out every year...hehehe) Thumb tabs, plz. Preferrably blue, since they discontinued the brown.
Two books: The Great Apostacy and Articles of Faith, both by James E. Talmage.
Some Tabernacle Choir CD´s. (not too many, plz. Like two at most).
Well, that´s not comprehensive, but it´s a start.
P.S. Don´t know if you saw it, but President Monson broke ground on the Rome, Italy temple on Saturday. Moving forward!
Hope you all have a good week.
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