1. Just another day. I´ll probably buy something to make in house. (Thanksgiving)
2. No, not yet, but it could come this week. (transfer for his companion)
3. Just make a new playlist. Then import the CD´s into the computer (stick it in, wait until it brings up a box that says ´would you like to import CD¨) and click yes. Then, once you´ve copied all the music you want, drag the songs to the new playlist you made and then click ¨Burn Disc¨. Probably take a few CD´s.
4. It shouldn´t be running out for a bit. Tell him to push the Guide button (the big button in the center), then go over to the far right tab, then look for ¨Account Information¨or something like that. Should be able to find the date around there. I think it might be coming up. If so, get a 12 month card at a store, and punch in the info under ¨Redeem Code¨. (xbox)
5. No, not really. But I kinda like being able to rest for two hours in house. (do members feed you in new area)
6. Normal work day here. Larry got to take it as an extra p-day, but we go out after four here I think. (Christmas)
7. No, because Microsoft´s gotten pretty good at detecting the modified controllers. They violate the Terms of Use, which equals Account+Console banned from Xbox Live until the year 9999. No matter what crazy steven´s telling him, they´re detectable. So no. (xbox controller for Brandon question)
8. Eh...customs will probably steal it again. I´m okay, really. (would he like a food/snack box?)
No, Risk will be next transfer. (have you been able to play the game Risk w/ companions on pday?)
Sounds like Marae gotten pretty good. (told how Marae had a great softball game)
It´s not really too cold. I´m...sort of still in short sleeves. :). Don´t worry, if it gets cold, I pull on a coat.
I don´t need anything at the moment, and we´re not buying a Christmas tree until after the Pharisee gets transferred.
The other baptism went through. She had to talk to President ( and we didn´t get the clearance until 9PM on Saturday night...), but it happened Sunday Morning. Now the goal is to get them to the temple in a year.
Been a fairly interesting week. Not a whole lot happened (though district meeting was a happy joyous time as usual). Joy´s interview was set for friday morning, but Vilafranca showed up Thursday night as a surprise to spend the night. Went out and did the interview in the morning, then President calls, saying he and Sister Hinckley are driving up from Valencia and want to stop by for lunch and to see the new apartment. So they took us to a nice Italian place and we all ordered some pizzas, then showed off the apartment. We talked about how most of the members here are ´Mormon Catholics´.
Had to get up at a little before six on Sunday to go start filling the font. Was too early.
Things will be pretty crazy this transfer. They´ll be switching out one Assistant to the President, the Secretary to the President, and a good number of the Zone and District leaders. Plus, most of the oldest missionaries have been in their area for a while, so they´ll probably get switched out and asked to train in their new areas (big group coming in again). Though President kinda hinted he´d be sending someone here to be trained...not what I expected. May not happen, though. A few of them are a little iffy with visa issues, so he may not need to.
Things are moving along fairly quickly here. Doorman is out for vacation the whole week, so we´ll have to take the garbage down ourselves. (comp´s upset about that). I´m planning on taking a nice break today. Wednesday, we´ll have to travel down to Valencia so the Pharisee can do his fingerprints to get another ID card.
Had a letter from Elder Crofts on Tuesday telling me how everything had pretty much stayed the same, though the office staff finally allowed them to buy new mattresses.
Seems like there´s not much to the letter this time. I though I´d had more to write.
I´ll try to have more next week.
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