Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Okay, I´m in Tarragona now. Just got in about thirty minutes ago. Crazy trip.

We left Valencia about six, got to the Office about 10:30 since we had to take the Metro (Three suitcases+stairs=not fun). Office was pretty full, so we were all making a big racket last night. Had a good joke, though. Elder Parry was in panic mode (as usual) with all the tickets. Finally, he got a break and was off the phone for about two minutes. So Elder Crofts pulls out the phone, and dials the office. He goes ¨Hey, Elder Parry, what do I do if I missed the train?¨ Now, he´s sitting literally ten feet from Elder Parry. Elder Parry puts down the phone and puts his head in his hands. ¨Aaarrrgghhh!¨ Elder Johansen says ¨What´s up, did someone miss a train?¨ He goes ¨How did you guess? Elder Crofts is stuck in the train station.¨ Elder Crofts goes, ¨Hey, I´m here.¨ Elder Parry picks up the phone, calls Elder Crofts back. Elder Crofts is like ¨I¨m here, Elder Parry.¨ Finally, he had to get up and walk over to the desk. ¨Elder Parry!¨. Elder Parry just sees him...then groans. Whole office just about died. Elder Parry didn´t realize he was in the room the whole time.

Then, got up this morning, most of the Elders went in to the Trainers meeting, but the Hinckley´s asked Elder Fairchild and I to go up to their residence and fix the TV and the computer, so that took some time. Another group came in, with some other friends. They told us to get out of the office before the greenies came in, so we headed for Sagrada Familia. I get to that Metro stop and the office calls ¨Elder Mattice, could you come back? Elder Close is here.¨. Then I go back, only to come back to Sagrada Familia with Elder Close and another group. Fraid I didn´t think to grab the camera, so no pics of that. But I´m attaching a fair amount, eh? Still, we´re only an hour out of Barcelona, so it wouldn´t be hard to go back. Lot cooler up here. Good thing-it´s almost jacket time, and I´d been hoping it´d cool off before that happened.

Piso is a little newer, but we´re looking here. Have to be out by the 30th of October, so we´re in a hurry. Apparantly they found a nice one, but you could kind of see a pool, which meant no go.

Surprises? Well, there´s about twenty VHS copies of Finding Faith In Christ under his bedspread. Those should be fun to sleep on. Then a few other things just left around.

I´m sure I´ll be able to drive fine. If I ever end up stuck in the office, you pretty well have to drive, so...

Not a ton more to report on. We´re going to go by groceries tonight, then I´m not sure what else

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