Sounds like she was pretty sick. Hopefully she starts clearing up.
High schools who let the sports stars get away with things are bound to have problems. I doubt there´s much of any kind of honor code there, from what it sounds like.
Yeah, I remember how the booboo always makes a huge mess. Maybe you´ll have to beat her a little...
Yeah, I remember how the booboo always makes a huge mess. Maybe you´ll have to beat her a little...
Yeah, we heard about the tsunami the day it happened, actually. I guess the earthquake actually caused the Angel Moroni to spin on the Tokyo Temple-it´s not where it should be.
That earthquake will probably shake a few other things loose. California´s been waiting for something to happen any time lately, and big deep quakes tend to cause other problems. Big quake there could lead to more problems in Yellowstone, not to mention problems throughout the rocky mountains. The Church has been concerned about earthquakes in Salt Lake for a few years now. That´s why the Conference Center meets standards ten times higher than law requires, and why the Tabernacle was rebuilt a few years ago.
Maybe California will fall off and we can have some beach near Yuma? 

The missionary push is probably because things are opening up for the work to take another big step forward, and the Lord´s pushing things along a little faster. We were talking with some members lately and all are in agreement that we´re probably moving into the last times now. Conference will probably tell a lot-whether it´s a lighter hearted tone like the past, or serious and urgent like October´s conference.
Still don´t have it. I´ve pretty well given up on it. It´ll probably make it´s way back to the States in a few months.
Patrick´s single and 22, so nothing else is really coming from that end.
Yeah, it sounds like you need to clean some of the debris out of the shed.
So, it was a fairly calm week. Nothing really big happened. Our little branch might die before it ever gets started. The stake doesn´t seem very interested in starting it at all. Stake President was saying ¨Yeah, every time we have to open something, it´s just problems. It´s hard, problems, problems.¨. Now we´re being told that if they don´t find a place to rent within three weeks, they´ll throw it on hold for a while, saying it´d be ´paralyzed.´ Well, we´ll see. No telling if we´ll ever end up moving out there or not. It´s costing a fair amount of money and time for us to keep traveling. I´ve run more train rides in the past three weeks than in my whole mission combined...
Still, I suppose some things did happen. Out in Vic, and with one station here in Granollers, we´ve decided to get a little more ´pijo´ (doesn´t really translate, which is why we just insert it into English, but roughly, it´d be like ´demanding of expensive things´. Now we buy fresh milk instead of the crappy Spanish stuff that you don´t have to refrigerate...(it´s creepy). At least it has to be refrigerated. That´s a plus.
I found decent non Chinese toothbrushes here. You think the Chinese stuff in the US is´s where they send all the factory line rejects. As for toothpaste...Í´ll probably just end up having to use Colgate...

But one thing I can´t live deodorant. That´s going to have to get through customs somehow. I´m about to start the last stick I´ve got, so there´s some time, but I guess if you ever find that leather conditioner you can send a stick or two with it, plz.
Oh, I did finally get to go to Lidl and buy the...peachie o´s!!!! And they had US style peanut butter that didn´t cost an arm and a leg. Just an arm.
Well, maybe more will happen this week. Hope you all have fun this week.
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