Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I actually got the package with my card on Monday. Might have set a new mail record since mail doesn´t move on Saturday or Sunday here. Yes, the comics were funny as well. Particularly the one with Der Fuhrer.
I´ll leave the 27th or something like that. The rest of this week, the full next week, and then we´ll head up on Wednesday. When we get out there they´ll put us with a trainer for the first transfer (six weeks). Most of the missionaries here are from the US, and they´ll put me with an English speaking trainer for that purpose.
Unless, of course, I end up being called as Mission Secretary like Grandpa Seth. ;)
Okay, money. No, they don´t take the Almighty Dollar here (sadly), but all I have to do is take it to BBVA and get it changed. It´s not much of a hassle, but it might be easier to put it into my account. But for now I´m not really buying anything. And there´s no way I´m spending $91 on a soccer jersey. That´s Red Sox genuine jersey territory.
Yeah, it´s been pretty fast. The days are longish, but the weeks are exceedingly short, so that´s how it goes.
Hookay, two requests. One, I need two pictures, they´ll probably be easiest to find at Bookworms. The first is of Christ in the boat with Peter, James, and John, calming the sea. The second is of Pilate presenting Christ to the Jews. Both are by Simon Dewey. You´ll recognize them by their realism.
Second, I need a picture or two of the Green Tank. You can attach some to an email and send a few physicals, plz ;)
Speaking of which, did you ever get the front bumper tightened back up?
I´m not sure what to tell you to do with the books. It probably isn´t super great for them out on those shelves, no.
A turtle? Like one they found, or just bought? I`m reminded of that movie from a few years back, The Master of Disguise, with the idiot going ¨turtle! turtle!¨
Would you also do me a favor and just look around for a complete set of the Journal of Discourses? I´m curious to see if they´re really running $300 for a set. Most of it´s gospel, but occasionally one of the discourses wasn´t inspired. I think Brigham Young once said he saw people on the Moon (have to wonder if it was just Armstrong and he didn´t know how to interpret it).
We´ve sent out five others, so it´s down to about 20 now. Still a little full, but not as bad. I think there´s only one or two left in Provo for this group.
Tell the Booboo to behave. She is a little turd sometimes. Maybe throw some 2x4´s in the back for her to chew on? ;)
We speak of the Celestial Kingdom as a beautiful place, but I don´t think most of us understand how beautiful. A prophet once said that ¨if men could see even the Telestial Kingdom, they would kill themselves to get there! (and be happy too)¨
I´ll write more later.

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