Oh, it should be a good week. Wednesday the unions are calling for a general strike...basically it´s when the Spainards find a way to be even lazier... :)
We´re not sure how big it´s going to be just yet. Some people are saying mild, President and the AP´s say we need to be prepared for it to last a full week (aka everything closed for a while). As long as the demonstrations don´t get too violent, we´ll get to go outside and work. Otherwise, it´s staying in the flat and playing poker. It´ll probably be pretty mild here, but I¨d expect Valencia and Madrid to be messy, and Barcelona to be a disaster. The Catalunians love to make a mess as long as it causes problems for the Spanish government. They´re like these great little rebels you just want to cheer on.
Been an okay day this morning. We decided to test just how flammable Germ-X is for study time (it wasn´t my bottle) and lit it in a glass. Pretty interesting-nice alcohol fire, then it just goes out. Then we went to play basketball with Sid in the church parking lot, so we´re out in civilian clothes this morning. First time I`ve worn my tennis shoes since leaving the MTC.
Conference...we´re going to see. We may go into Valencia, since they´ll have it in English there. The spanish translation is always terrible. No expression, and bland. If not, we may watch it with some of the English speaking members here.
We´re still working with Erardo and company. Hillary was baptised on Saturday. I asked him after it whether he liked it and he said yes, so... The dad´s gotten more interested again-he came to the baptism and everything, so that was a good thing.
Sunday´s are usually interesting. The ward´s got so many little disputes between members at the moment. Our poor ward mission leader doesn´t have the support of half of his ward missionaries, and the bishopric doesn´t support him either. He said ¨I asked you to make sure the ward missionaries you were calling could at least come to weekly coordination meeting.¨, but Bishop just washed his hands of it and said ¨That´s your job.¨ The bishop...well, he´s not the best. We´re trying, though.
Made omelets this morning, but they didn´t turn out so great. I think I´m going to strip down the skillet and try again.
Today, I´m going to kick my comp´s butt in poker, which should be good, and then I´ll just enjoy the day. Probably going to buy some premade sandwiches you toss in a skillet and brown (different, more expensive skillet), then buy some Fartons and enjoy those.
I think we´re going to try to visit Hillary tonight, since we´re going to be reteaching everything again.
Friday night, Sid told us he was going to some protest on Saturday night they do every year trying to make it mandatory to learn CatalĂșnian (different dialect of Spanish, mainly spoken in Catalunya). I told him I didn´t feel real good about him going and that if anything got bad to get out. We didn´t see him until Sunday morning in church (first time he blessed the sacrament. Pretty good-he didn´t mess up). A little bit after, we were out with him when he told us what happened Saturday night. He said he was sitting around with some friends when they tried to get him to smoke marijuana. I guess they pushed pretty hard, and with the alcohol too. He said he felt like he needed to go and told them he was going back home. Thankfully he followed the Spirit and left.
I think that´s all I have for this week.